bvacation/b. hmmm? normalkah ?? Aku mencintai pekerjaanku? pekerjaan yang memberiku rupiah tiap bulan? yang memberiku kepuasan batin? yang memberiku sebuah arti eksistensi diri? work work work. Pekerjaan yang yahhh mungkin biasa-biasa b..../b (* mode zi bzirik/b ON) pingin ikuuuutttt.. #yahhh? yun? udah telat? dah balik ke jogja :D. Reply ? yu2n yoenday says: June 20, 2008 at 12:36 am. adeuuu ada yang dah ngambil cuti euyyy, weekend ma soulmate :lol: jangan lupa ya ole-ole nya ;) ...
The characters are the property of the Tolkien estate. Co written with Raksha. This, I think was the hardest of the lot. After a fruitless struggle to make something out of this prompt, Raksha and I worked on it together and she came up ...
The characters are the property of the Tolkien estate. Co written with Raksha. This, I think was the hardest of the lot. After a fruitless struggle to make something out of this prompt, Raksha and I worked on it together and she came up ...